I really love this game, Especially on wi-fi mode. Although when I was playing it today, I realized how mean some of the people can be on there. I was like ten feet away from the finish line, when "uglyhead" and "pignose" (no really those were their names) came out of nowhere and shot a red shell and hit me with a star causing me to come in last place. One time when my brother and I were playing, strange things started happening at the beginning of each race. We thought it was just a glitch until we saw these to people named "CHINAMAN" throwing bombs,being invincible, and turning into super fast missiles the entire race. We started to like them and were very dissapointed when they quit. When on wi-fi, I like to play as my mii on the dolphin dasher. But when I'm playing the regular kind, I like to play as yoshi on the mach bike ( I know I'm picky) .