Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Tribute

Exactly one week ago, my cuddly,energetic,year-old dog, cooper passed away. On the day of my dad's birthday, Cooper and my sister's dog,Jasper, got into some poisoning for voles. We havn't used this for 8 years. Around 9 pm Jasper and Cooper started throwing up what looked like birdseed. We thought nothing of it. But when I put Cooper in his kennal that night, I noticed that he seemed sad and not himself. At about 4 in the morning, my mom came into my room and said something about Cooper not doing well. Half asleep and thinking we were on some gameshow( remember, it was 4 in the morning)I walked into my parent's room to find him lying on the bed very limp. When I rubbed his belly, I remember seeing a little smile appear on his face like he knew I was there. I carried Cooper out to the car, but I just couldn't handle holding him ( he was now having convulsions) so I gave him to my mom. When we got to the Animal ER, the nurse came running out and took him inside. They tried the best they could, even doing CPR on him, but we were too late. He passed away. The rest of that day consisted of my family and me just crying. We have recieved many sympathy cards, and I have had lots of people posting on my wall on Facebook saying how sorry they were. These have helped immensely. I like to think that Cooper sacrificed his life for one of my many neices or nephews because it could have easily been one of them that got into the poison and died. I am also so grateful that Jasper was able to survive the poison.I know that I will be able to see Cooper again in heaven someday.