efy! So basically, I wasn't in a picture taking mood that week so I only took two pictures, my bed as we were getting ready to leave efy, and my bracelet.
The next day Daniel picked me up and brought me over to his house to see Charbel and Benji. I was over there for about an hour before we went over to In-n-Out burger ( I still like "5 Guys" better though) to have lunch and get Mark. We stayed in Stover Hall at Helaman Halls. The first day we just met our company and played getting to know you games. Our company name was "The Sticks". Tuesday and Wednesday we had our classes. During the morningside, they passed out what the classes were about and when they were. We got to choose which ones we wanted. The teachers who taught mine were, Van Dunham, Phillip Rossell, Danwnese Openshaw, David Butler, and Randy Clegg. They were all very excellent speakers. I took a lot of notes. During lunch and free time on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday me and a few friends chose to be in the musical program. It was really fun and I'm glad we chose to do it. The rest of the week was a great experience and I hope to be able to go again next year. We spent a few days in Provo with our family, but that deserves a post of its own.