Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Slow Fall

What better way to put off homework than writing a blog, right!? Especially since I haven't written one for such a long time.
We were at Arapahoe High School yesterday, for Mitt Romney's rally :~), ( which was very awesome I might add).
About twenty minutes before it was about to start, I had to stand up for some people. This is where it all went wrong. My camera slipped out of my lap as I helplessly watched it fall down beneath the bleachers. You know how in movies they have slow motion during dramatic parts? Well that's exactly how I saw it. Slow and dramatic, with a loud clunk at the end. I would like to say that I took it in stride and didn't get angry and stressed out, but that would be a lie. I was sure that it was broken and we wouldn't be able to retrieve it, and some kid from Arapahoe would find and steal it. Add to that the fact that it was hot and crowded, I was hungry, and it was loud, I was not in a good mood. So my dad and I went down and told one of the people, who directed us to another person, who steered us to the janitor.

Apparently, there is a small trap door in the bleachers for situations like this, he opened it up and I dropped in. It was scary but also exciting to be walking under hundreds of people. When I got to the camera, I found that the screen was still intact and it was able to turn on. I was so happy, it really was a tender mercy, and I'm thankful that I get those. Especially since we were ten rows up.

You didn't think I would leave the bleachers without a  picture!
The rest of the night was uneventful, except, of course, that we were at Mitt Romney's rally. Haha. I was like two feet away from shaking Romney's hand, just like four years ago, oh well.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you found your camera, Daniel would have given anything to be there! ahaha

Diana said...

How exciting that you got to go to the rally! I'm so glad that your camera survived =)

Clement Park Ward Youth Trek said...

I'm so glad your camera was okay! How sad that would have been! I wish I could have been there :(

Babzanne Barker said...

Great blog, Michael! You should write more often!!

Babzanne Barker said...

And great pictures of Mitt I might add!

Linda said...

I quite enjoyed this blog as well!